Please see Travel Alerts & Advisories for potential updates on specific event dates as travel details are subject to change.
NJ TRANSIT’s River LINE Light Rail will operate additional service after most events held at the Camden Waterfront’s Freedom Mortgage Pavilion. Normal service will operate as scheduled and then operate on a load-and-go basis after events.
Light Rail Service will operate as follows:
Most Saturday Events:
- The last regularly scheduled Light-Rail train to the Trenton Transit Center (TTC) is at 11:59 p.m.
- If necessary, trains will operate on a load-and-go basis from the Entertainment Center Station in Camden to Trenton at the conclusion of the event.
Most Weekday/Sunday Events:
- The last regularly scheduled train departs Entertainment Center Station to TTC at 8:59 p.m.
- If necessary, trains will operate on a load-and-go basis from the Entertainment Center Station to Pennsauken/Route 73 Station at the conclusion of the event.
- Buses will then operate from Pennsauken/Route 73 Station to TTC.*
*Note: Buses will wait for trains.
Customers traveling on NJ TRANSIT Light Rail trains should purchase their tickets prior to boarding. Ticket vending machines (TVMs) are located on the platforms for each station. Customers must time-stamp all one-and-go basis from the Entertainment Center Station in Camden to Trenton at the conclusion of the event.
Click HERE for Freedom Mortgage Pavilion event information.
Customers are encouraged to monitor Travel Alerts & Advisories, sign up for My Transit Alerts, download the NJ TRANSIT app and follow us on Social Media for the latest service information.
For more information and language assistance, please call NJ TRANSIT Customer Service at (973) 275-5555 between the hours of 8:30AM and 5PM daily.
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