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Rider Guide For Bus Customers

Ways to Obtain Bus Service Information

  • Use our Trip Planner feature or click on Schedules and Fares, then Bus Schedules to find bus (or train or light rail) service information.
  • Print the corresponding bus schedule and bring it with you or visit a major bus or rail terminal to pick up a schedule and get more information about your trip.
  • Call Customer Service between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 973-275-5555 and talk with a Transit Information Representative about your travel needs. If you need information in another language, you can ask for an interpreter for free language assistance. If you are hearing impaired, call TTY between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 800-772-2287.
  • Check our website's Travel Alerts & Advisories page for bus service advisories (traffic delays, detours, bus stop changes, etc.) prior to travel.
  • Use our MyBus feature to check real-time bus arrivals at bus stops.

How to Read a Bus Schedule

  • Choose the direction you wish to travel and locate the weekday, Saturday, or Sunday schedule. Timepoints are listed from the beginning of the route (on the left) to the end (on the right).
  • Timepoint numbers in the schedule correspond with timepoint numbers on the route map on your schedule. If your stop is between two timepoint numbers, use the earlier time as your guide. Plan to arrive at the bus stop a few minutes early.
  • If there is a letter to the left of the times listed for your trip, look for the explanation under or near the schedule block.
  • Check bus terminal departure location information on the front or inside of the timetable, if applicable, and for additional information.
  • Refer to the holiday service guide on the timetable prior to travel for information about service levels on holidays.
  • The fare is based on the number of zones you travel through. Check the map on the schedule to see how many zones you pass through. Each time you cross a zone boundary, you must pay for another zone. You also can check fares by going to Trip Planner on our website and enter your travel information.
  • Information in timetables is subject to change without notice. Traffic conditions, construction, and weather can affect trip time.

How to Use the Bus

While waiting for the bus...

  • Arrive at your bus stop at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
  • Wait for buses at designated stops and stand on the sidewalk two to three feet from the curb.
  • Never run after a bus. You may slip, fall or be struck by another vehicle.
  • Use designated crosswalks and sidewalks to reach the bus stop. Never walk in a traffic lane.
  • Use caution when walking alongside the bus or in other areas when a bus is making a turn approaching your bus stop. You may see the bus, but the bus operator may not see you.
  • Have your fare or bus card ready so you can hold handrails.

When boarding the bus...

  • Check the bus destination sign or listen for the bus route and destination announcement before boarding the bus since many routes have multiple destinations. Still not sure? Ask the bus operator.
  • Use handrails to help keep your balance.
  • Be careful with the first step of the bus.
  • Keep children close and board the bus together.
  • Priority seating for people with disabilities is provided near the front door. If you need priority seating and those seats are occupied, ask the bus operator for assistance.
  • Some buses are equipped with undercarriage storage compartments for larger items. Ask your bus operator for additional assistance for stowing larger items prior to boarding.
  • Many buses are equipped with bicycle racks. If traveling with a bike, notify the bus operator before loading your bicycle. More details are in the BIKES ON BUSES section of this guide.

While riding the bus...

  • Stand behind the white line while the bus is in motion.
  • Do not lean or press on doors.
  • Keep hands, feet and items clear from closing doors.
  • Wait for the bus to fully stop before leaving your seat.
  • Do not reach outside the bus window.
  • Do not extend your legs or personal items into the aisle.
  • Do not distract the bus operator while the bus is in motion.
  • Listen for bus stop announcements and remember to press the signal strip above your seat, in advance, to request the bus to stop.
  • Ask the bus operator for assistance securing all mobility devices such as wheelchairs.

When getting off the bus...

  • Use handrails and avoid long stretch steps to the curb.
  • Step onto the sidewalk. Do not walk between the side of the bus and the curb.
  • Never walk in front of the bus, even if it is stopped.
  • Use caution when walking alongside the bus or in areas when a bus is making a turn departing your bus stop. You may see the bus, but the bus operator may not see you.

Bikes on Buses

Bicycles are permitted at all times on buses equipped with bike racks on the front of the bus or buses equipped with undercarriage storage compartments on a first-come, first-served basis. Currently, most of our bus fleet is able to accommodate bicycles. However, bikes are not permitted on articulated buses (long buses that bend in the middle), mini-buses (routes 878, 879, 890, 891 and 986) or all suburban style buses traveling to and from the Port Authority Bus Terminal since no accommodations are available on-board. There is no extra charge for bicycles brought aboard NJ TRANSIT vehicles, and no permit is required. As the bus approaches, have your bike ready to load. All loose items must be removed from the bicycle before the bus arrives. If using a bike rack, notify the bus operator before loading or unloading the bicycle. For safety reasons, the bus operator cannot get off the bus to assist you, but will be able to give instructions. Ask the bus operator for additional assistance when loading and unloading your bike from undercarriage storage compartments. For more information on how to load your bike onto our buses, visit our Bike Program page.


Due to safety concerns, hoverboards are not permitted on any trains, buses, light rail or Access Link vehicles, or at NJ TRANSIT stations or outlying property. Customers are not permitted to ride, charge, store or transport these devices anywhere on NJ TRANSIT's system.

Bus Riders' Etiquette

You have your schedule, purchased your ticket, and boarded the bus. Now we want you to enjoy your trip. For the comfort of all, please observe these simple rules:

  • No smoking. State law prohibits smoking on buses, in terminals, or on platforms
  • No littering
  • No eating or drinking
  • Use headphones if you are listening to an electronic device
  • Speak softly when using cellular phones

Accessible Information

All trips are operated with lift-equipped buses. Kneeling buses are offered to customers who have difficulty with the first step onto the bus. When a bus "kneels," the first step lowers several inches toward the ground. All buses are equipped with this feature. If you require the kneeling feature, simply ask the bus operator to make the bus kneel, then board as usual. NOTE: When traveling out of the Port Authority Bus Terminal, call 973-275-5555 in advance for the location of an accessible boarding gate. If you need assistance or accommodation with any of NJ TRANSIT's services, see an NJ TRANSIT representative or call 973-275-5555. More information on accessible services is available on our website in the Accessible Bus section.

Where to Purchase Tickets

  • You can purchase bus tickets and passes on your mobile device using the NJ TRANSIT Mobile App, available from the App Store and Google Play™. Visit our App page for details.
  • NJ TRANSIT sells tickets and bus passes at major bus terminals, bus park and ride lots, bus garages, and select rail and light rail stations from Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs) and/or staffed ticket windows.
  • Or visit one of our Commissioned Ticket Agents (CTA) or one of the private businesses that sell NJ TRANSIT bus tickets or passes.
  • To find a bus terminal, park and ride, bus garage, rail or light rail station, or CTA near you, and to see what types of tickets they offer (not all CTAs sell all ticket types), check our Bus Tickets page or give us a call at 973-275-5555.

Bus Ticket Options

NJ TRANSIT has a variety of ticket options available to save you time and money. For specific fare information, refer to a bus timetable or select Schedules and Fares on our website and enter your travel information. Information on purchase points is included in the WHERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS section of this guide.

One-Way Tickets

One-way tickets can be used for one trip for the number of zones indicated on the ticket. From July 1st 2024, these tickets will have a 30-day expiration, and are non-refundable.

Round-Trip Tickets

Round-trip tickets are two one-way tickets valid for travel to or from your destination. From July 1st 2024, these tickets will have a 30-day expiration, and are non-refundable.

Monthly Passes

Monthly passes are the most cost-effective ticket if you are a frequent rider or use more than one bus line to complete your trip. They are valid for unlimited trips for the number of zones indicated on the ticket within a calendar month. Monthly passes are available for purchase beginning at 5 p.m. on the 19th of the preceding month through the 10th of the current month. Passes cannot be purchased on-board the bus. Any monthly pass of two zones or more is valid for rides on any light rail line. In addition, some private bus carriers accept NJ TRANSIT monthly bus passes for travel (ONE Bus and Independent Bus, both operated by Coach USA, as well as Broadway Bus and A&C Montgomery Westside).

There are three different types of monthly passes, depending on your travel origin and destination.

  • Intrastate Monthly Passes are valid within New Jersey only.
  • Intra-Commuter Monthly Passes are valid for rides on Bus Routes 63, 64, 67 and 68 to and from Jersey City, Weehawken, Hoboken or Newark.
  • Interstate Monthly Passes are valid for rides between New Jersey and New York City or Philadelphia, and for any intrastate ride up to the number of zones on the pass.

Discounted Ten-Trip Tickets

Discounted ten-trip tickets are valid for 10 one-way trips and are available for purchase if you are traveling more than two intrastate zones or one interstate zone. They are valid for 20 days, including the date of purchase.

Children's Tickets

Children (ages 5-11) save 50 percent and up to three children (ages 4 and under) ride free with a passenger paying any valid fare. Children's tickets are valid until used. For student discounts, refer to the Student Tickets section.

Student Tickets

Elementary or secondary school (through 12th grade) students who reside in New Jersey are entitled to discounted one-way and transfer fares. Students must buy their one-way tickets or obtain them from their school prior to travel.

Student Pass

Full-time college students save 25 percent on already discounted monthly bus, rail and light rail passes when their school participates in our University Partnership Program. Visit our Student Pass page for a list of participating schools.

Family Supersaver Fares

Family SuperSaver Fares are available on weekends and holidays from 7 p.m. on Friday (or the day before a holiday) until 6 a.m. on Monday (or the day after a holiday). Two children, ages five through 11, ride free with a customer paying any valid fare. Up to three children, ages four and under, ride free with a customer paying any valid fare.

Senior Citizens 62 and Older & Customers With Disabilities

Senior citizens 62 and older and customers with disabilities can travel on-board NJ TRANSIT buses, trains, and light rail vehicles at a reduced fare of one-half the regular one-way fare or less at all times. Senior citizens 62 and older may be asked to present a valid ID (any ID or document printed with your date of birth and issued by a government, social service, or mass transportation agency) to obtain the reduced fare. Valid ID for seniors 65 and older also includes the MTA Reduced Fare Card; PA Senior Citizen Transit ID or PACE Card; PATH Senior Fare Card; or Medicare Card. Customers with disabilities must present an NJ TRANSIT Reduced Fare ID or Medicare Card to obtain the reduced fare. Reduced fare tickets are valid until used. Call 973-491-7112 for more information or visit our Reduced Fare Program page.

Military Members and Their Dependents

Military personnel and their dependents may use the one-way reduced ticket upon presenting their valid military or military-dependent ID cards. Eligible military personnel include Active Duty, Reserve and National Guard, and those with official "Retired" status from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard. When purchasing your ticket from a ticket vending machine or through MyTix (on the app), select Senior/Disabled to obtain the discounted fare. Tickets also may be purchased at ticket offices at stations. Veterans with service connected disabilities may present a valid Veterans Affairs (VA) identification card which indicates "service connected" to use the one-way reduced ticket option.

Bus/NY Waterway Ferry Monthly Pass & Ten-Trip Tickets

Hudson Go Pass is available for customers traveling on Bus Routes 156R, 158 and 159R and the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail to provide more travel flexibility along the Hudson River and into New York. Hudson Go Pass enables you to travel on a bus up to two zones within New Jersey or on the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail to the Port Imperial Ferry Terminal in Weehawken where you can connect with NY Waterway ferry service to and from Midtown and Downtown Manhattan. The pass also may be used to connect between 156R, 158 and 159R bus service and light rail service at Port Imperial. Hudson Go Pass is not valid on bus service to or from New York.

Riding With a Rail Pass

Customers with NJ TRANSIT rail monthly or weekly passes printed with a bus zone number can use their pass on NJ TRANSIT buses up to the number of imprinted bus zones during the period the pass is valid. Passes that are not printed with a bus zone number will not be accepted on buses.

Transfers and Continuing Trip Tickets

Transfers can be purchased from any bus operator for intrastate travel (within New Jersey) and are valid for two hours after issued. Transfers are valid for a ride using a second bus or light rail service for a one-zone ride. For travel beyond one zone on the second bus, there will be an additional charge. Transfers are not available for travel to or from New York City or Philadelphia.

  • Customers transferring from light rail to bus should purchase a one-way, one-zone with transfer ticket from a light rail ticket vending machine before boarding the light rail vehicle.
  • A limited number of connecting bus routes and Newark Light Rail offer continuing trip ticket privileges, which permit a customer to pay the entire one-way fare for a two-vehicle ride when boarding the first bus/light rail vehicle.

Override Tickets

When a passenger travels a farther distance than a ticket or bus receipt provides for, the operator will charge an override fee. The override fee applies regardless of which type of ticket is presented on any bus line, but does vary based on the location and type of service on which the customer is traveling.

Cross-Honoring Travel Options

During major service disruptions and extreme weather conditions, NJ TRANSIT offers system-wide cross-honoring to enable customers to use their ticket or pass on an alternate travel mode. When cross-honoring is in effect for your service, you can use your bus ticket or pass to travel on our rail or light rail services and some private bus carriers. If you travel to a destination other than the destination printed on your original ticket/pass, the appropriate additional fare would be applicable. The latest travel information is available by visiting, accessing our Twitter feed at @NJTRANSIT, or through our My Transit alert system.

Commuter Tax Benefit Programs

If you are a frequent traveler, you can set aside tax-free money each month to save on your transit costs. Employers also save. Visit our Tax Benefits page for information.

Ticket Vending Machine Ticket Purchases

Ticket vending machines (TVMs) are easy to use. Simply touch the screen to begin and follow the instructions to purchase your ticket. TVMs at park and rides as well as multi-modal locations offer parking along with bus or rail tickets. All TVMs are outfitted for customers with visual and hearing impairments.

Mobile Tickets

Customers have the option of purchasing tickets or their pass via phone or another mobile device.

  •  The NJ TRANSIT Mobile App that enables you to buy and display your pass securely using your mobile device. Our free mobile app is available from the App Store and Google Play™. Find out more about the NJ TRANSIT Mobile App.

How To Pay The Fare

Some bus lines require an exact fare. If an exact fare is required, it will be noted on the bus and on the bus timetable. Operators on these bus routes do not carry money and cannot make change. Customers departing from the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York must have a ticket or pass prior to boarding the bus. Other lines are "full service" and operators will make change. Operators are not required to accept bills larger than $20. Please have your fare ready when boarding the bus.

Ticket Refunds

Ticket refunds are not available for one-way or round-trip tickets. For all other refund requests, go to our Bus Tickets page for the refund policy or call 866-784-5845.

Connections & Lost Items

NJ TRANSIT is not responsible for any inconvenience, expense or damage resulting from lost, stolen or destroyed tickets, errors in timetables, canceled or delayed buses, trains or light rail vehicles, failure to make connections or shortage of equipment. Connecting times for other service providers are shown for information only. Customers should contact those service providers for exact schedule information. Fares are subject to change without notice. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT is not responsible for lost items left on buses, trains and light rail vehicles. If you lose an item, visit Contact Us and select Lost and Found or call 973-275-5555.

How To Ride Video

View the How To Ride video from the Rider Tools menu, and see how easy it is to ride our buses.

NJ Transit Mobile App

Buy tickets/passes or obtain transit information from your mobile device. Plan your trip and access real-time departures for bus, rail and light rail for travel throughout New Jersey and between New York and Philadelphia. Download or update the free NJ TRANSIT Mobile App from the App Store and Google Play. Visit our Mobile App page for more information.

Obtain Arrival Info With MyBus

Find out when your bus is arriving at your stop through MyBus. MyBus provides real-time arrival information when a bus will reach you within 30 minutes or arrival times for the next scheduled buses.

Here's how it works...

  • Locate the ID number on your bus stop sign, or visit our MyBus page to obtain your bus stop ID.
  • Call 973-275-5555 to input the bus stop ID number, or text the bus stop ID number to MyBus (69287). You'll be provided with the real-time arrival of the next bus within 30 minutes or the next scheduled buses to arrive at your stop. An asterisk (*) will indicate if a bus is scheduled.
  • Use our mobile website for easy access to MyBus.
  • For information on a particular route at your stop, text the stop number, a space, and the route number. This is particularly useful at busy bus terminals.
  • TIP: Program the phone or text number for quick access to information at any time.
  • MyBus is not available on routes using mini-buses: 878, 879, 890, 891 and 986.

More Information

My Transit is our free alert system, delivering critical travel information to your cell phone, handheld wireless device or email inbox. With My Transit, you will be advised of delays, service disruptions, schedule changes and more. Visit our My Transit page to learn more.

Transit Information Center

800-772-2287 (for Text Telephone only)
Automated schedule and fare information is available 24/7.
Operators are available from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Social Media

Stay connected during your commute through social media! You can engage with NJ TRANSIT through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. While we make every effort to respond to relevant questions, concerns, or comments posted on our social media channels, we recommend that you contact our Customer Service team directly with critical or time-sensitive issues. For customers who wish to report an issue or concern to Customer Service, go to Contact Us.

  • Facebook Page - NJ TRANSIT
  • Twitter Feed - @NJTRANSIT
  • YouTube Channel - TheNewJerseyTransit

New Jersey Transit Police

973-378-6565 (out-of-state)

Police Tips Line

Report suspicious activity or packages. Text your message to NJTPD (65873) or call 888-TIPS-NJT (888-847-7658).

Google Translate

NJ TRANSIT's website is translatable in different languages. To use this feature, click on "Translate this Site" located in the upper right corner of our homepage.

NJ Transit Title VI Notice To Beneficiaries

NJ TRANSIT operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, or national origin, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. Any person who believes she or he has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin, or wishing to obtain additional information regarding NJ TRANSIT's Title VI obligations, may contact NJ TRANSIT Customer Service at 973-275-5555. A complaint or inquiry may also be filed by writing to NJ TRANSIT Customer Service - Title VI, 2 Gateway, 283-299 Market Street, Newark, NJ 07102. A complaint must be filed within 180 days of the alleged discrimination.