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Rail Safety Brochure English

Panel 1 / Cover
rail safety

Panel 2
railcar fleet

NJ TRANSIT's rail equipment is designed with your comfort and safety in mind. Among the safety features are slip-resistant flooring, glow-in-the-dark markings for emergency exit paths, handrails to climb up and down stairs, and emergency exit doors and windows. Fire extinguishers and other tools are located throughout the train. In addition, members of the crew, who receive ongoing emergency training, can access first-aid kits if you need personal assistance.
Rail equipment is accessible during emergencies by trained emergency responders who gain access through the side doors and specially designated windows on each side of the car. On certain single-level and multilevel cars, access also can be made through the roof of the car.
A new feature on our multilevel cars is the Passenger Emergency Intercom (PEI) system, which allows you to speak directly to a member of the train crew in another car if they are not immediately available in your car. The PEI call boxes should only be used during emergencies. After pressing the "push to call" button, wait for a member of the train crew to respond before reporting the situation. The PEI is not available on our other railcars.

Panel 3
emergency instructions

Remain Calm and Seated
Follow instructions of NJ TRANSIT employees or emergency responders.
Stay Onboard the Train
It's the safest place to be. Danger exists until train traffic can be stopped and electrical hazards de-energized.
If You See Smoke or Suspect a Fire
Notify the train crew immediately and then move to an adjoining car.
If a Passenger is in Distress
Notify the train crew. They can call for immediate assistance.
Exit the Train Only When Directed by the Train Crew or Emergency Responders
After exiting the car, be aware of passing trains, rough or uneven walking surfaces and other hazards such as electrified wires.
Emergency Exit Locations
(will vary based on configuration)
1. End Car Door Exits to Next Car
2. End Side Door
3. Quarter Point Side Door or Emergency Window 

Panel 4
safety first

Our railcars are designed so that you may safely exit the train during an emergency with or without the use of a station platform. Located on the wall adjacent to most car doors, you will find an emergency door release covered by a plastic panel. Break the plastic cover, pull the red handle, and manually slide open the door. You may safely exit the train at a high-level-platform, or step on the foot latch located on the floor by the end doors to use stairs for ground-level exiting. Some emergency door releases are located behind panels in the body of the railcar.

Panel 5
exit options

In the unlikely event that your railcar is evacuated, please listen to the train crew for specific instructions. Among your options:
option 1
If possible, move to the next railcar.
option 2
Exit the train through an end side door or through the mezzanine-level side door of a multilevel car. Pull the red handle next to the door to manually open it and then step on the foot latch for the trap (floor) door to access the stairs, if needed.
option 3
Exit the train through one of the emergency windows (This should only occur if you are unable to evacuate through a door). On a single-level railcar, there are four emergency windows, two on each side of the car. On a multilevel car, there are four emergency windows on the upper level, four emergency windows on the lower level, and one or two emergency windows in each mezzanine section based on the railcar's configuration.

Panel 6
train evacuations

Train evacuations don't happen often. In fact, most emergencies can be managed onboard the train. If an evacuation is required, our train crews have been thoroughly trained on safe evacuation procedures for all types of trains.
Emergency windows are easily identified by a red handle and instruction decal on or above the window. By pulling the red handle, you are removing the window's weather stripping. The window can be placed inside the car, away from the exit window.
Please use extra caution when evacuating a railcar through any window, particularly from the upper level of a multilevel car, which may require a 10-foot drop to the ground. In many cases, emergency responders would be positioned outside the car to help lower you to the ground. 

Panel 7
passenger safety tips

Your safety is our number one priority. When using our rail system, please follow these tips to ensure a safe and smooth trip:
Look both ways before crossing tracks, and only cross at designated crossings.
Never go under or around crossing gates in the down position.
Watch the gap between the train and platform when boarding or exiting the train.
Stand behind the safety line on the station platforms.
Never try to get on or off a moving train.
Never leave children unattended and always hold their hand when boarding or exiting the train.
Watch your step and hold onto handrails when going up and down stairs.
Do not block railcar doors from closing.
Do not lean against railcar doors.
Do not ride between railcars or on stairs while the train is moving.
If you drop something on the track, do not try to retrieve the item yourself. Notify a ticket agent or member of the train crew, who can assist you.
Please store strollers and carriages in the luggage rack, center vestibule, or areas designated for wheelchairs.
In the event of an emergency, notify a member of the train crew or contact the NJ TRANSIT Police at (800) 242-0236. For all other customer inquiries, call (973) 275-5555 or (800) 772-2287 (text telephone).