NJ TRANSIT commuter parking lot to relocate during construction
January 8, 2008
NEWARK, NJ ¿ The Highlands at Morristown Station development project, which includes a total of 415 under-cover commuter parking spaces immediately adjacent to the station, will begin on January 11, 2008.
This project will require closure of the current NJ TRANSIT commuter parking lot on the northwestern side of Lafayette Avenue for approximately 18 months. Parking for NJ TRANSIT Morristown Station customers will be relocated and the payment procedures for parking will be revised. A complimentary shuttle service will be provided between the new parking location and Morristown Station.
New parking location for Morristown Station customers
Beginning January 11, 2008, and continuing during the construction period, parking for NJ TRANSIT monthly and daily rail customers will be available at the Headquarters Plaza parking deck (HQ deck). The parking rates for commuters will be the same as at the current lot. The HQ deck can be accessed through two entrances off Water Street; the first entrance nearest Spring Street is for permit parkers only, and the second entrance is for permit and daily parkers.
Standard Parking Corporation will be managing the interim parking arrangement and a complimentary shuttle service for NJ TRANSIT at Morristown.
New complimentary shuttle service
Standard Parking will operate shuttle buses between the hours of 5:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except major holidays. The shuttle pick-up and drop-off sites will be located on Speedwell Avenue in front of Headquarters Plaza at the existing NJ TRANSIT bus stop, and at Morristown Station in front of the station building.
To get to the shuttle stop at the HQ deck, customers should take the elevator to the Mall Level and use the Speedwell Avenue exit. Buses will make continuous trips between Headquarters Plaza parking deck and Morristown Station during peak morning and late afternoon hours, and on an on-call basis between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. To request a shuttle pick up during off-peak hours (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.), customers should call 973- 975-2130.
Revised payment procedures
Detailed information about new daily parking and permit payment procedures is available online at under "Construction Advisories."
The Highlands at Morristown Station development will include:
- 218 residential dwelling units.
- 8,000 square feet of retail space.
- A 724-space parking deck¿415 of the spaces are permanently dedicated to NJ TRANSIT commuters
NJ TRANSIT is the nation's largest statewide public transportation system providing nearly 865,000 weekday trips on 240 bus routes, three light rail lines and 11 commuter rail lines. It is the third largest transit system in the country with 163 rail stations, 60 light rail stations and more than 18,000 bus stops linking major points in New Jersey, New York and Philadelphia.